Stack Overflow Lite - Clone

About the Project :


The Stack Overflow Clone is a meticulously designed platform aimed at providing users with a familiar interface for accessing and sharing programming-related knowledge. This project seeks to replicate the functionality of the renowned Stack Overflow platform, offering a comprehensive solution for developers to ask questions, share insights, and collaborate within the programming community.

Key Features:

  1. User Authentication and Authorization:

    • Secure user authentication ensures only registered users can access the platform's features.
    • Role-based access control allows differentiation between regular users, moderators, and administrators.
  2. Question and Answer Functionality:

    • Facilitates the posting of questions by users seeking assistance with programming-related issues.
    • Enables users to provide answers and engage in discussions, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing.
  3. Tagging and Categorization:

    • Allows users to tag questions with relevant programming languages, frameworks, or topics for easier categorization and searchability.
  4. Voting and Reputation System:

    • Incorporates a voting system where users can upvote or downvote questions and answers based on their usefulness.
    • Establishes a reputation system to recognize users' contributions and expertise within the community.
  5. Search Functionality:

    • Offers robust search functionality allowing users to find relevant questions and answers quickly, enhancing usability and accessibility.
  6. Notifications and Alerts:

    • Provides notification features to alert users about new answers, comments, or activities related to their questions, ensuring active engagement within the community.
  7. User Profiles:

    • Centralized user profiles containing information such as user activity, reputation, and badges earned, enhancing user interaction and community participation.
  8. Moderation Tools:

    • Implements moderation tools for administrators and trusted users to manage content, including editing, closing, and deleting questions or answers, ensuring the quality and integrity of the platform.
  9. Responsive Design:

    • Develops a responsive and intuitive user interface to ensure a seamless experience across various devices and screen sizes, enhancing accessibility and usability.


The Stack Overflow Clone project aims to provide developers with a familiar and feature-rich platform for accessing programming-related knowledge, fostering collaboration, and community engagement. By replicating the functionality of Stack Overflow, this project seeks to empower developers to seek assistance, share insights, and contribute to the collective growth of the programming community.

Technologies Used

            • Java
            • Typescript
            • Angular
            • Spring Boot
            • MySQL
            • IntelliJ Idea IDE.
            • VS Code Editor

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